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Showing posts from September, 2019

4 Basic Steps to Become Rich

If I'll become rich, I'll definitely buy a beach side mansion.  I want to become rich and powerful. With all the money I have, I can easily buy anything my heart desires. House and lots, cars, luxury items, anything! The financial freedom with give me a wealthy and comfortable life in my beach side manor. How about you? Do you want to be rich? I can read what's on your mind. You said yes right? Don't deny it. Then you might be asking... How can I become rich? Personally, I'm not yet rich, I'm still on my journey to financial freedom. But I've created a roadmap to guide me on my journey and this blog post is to share my plan to you. A caveat though, it might be helpful, or might not. Who knows? Besides, if you want a solid advice about being rich, then you should ask advice from rich people. But at the end of the day, fulfilling a goal or dreams depends on one's will and grit. If you're still reading this part, I will assume that ...

5 Easy Tips to Save Money

Saving money is a simple yet difficult thing to do.  Saving money is an integral part of building and strengthening your personal wealth. It is also considered as the most basic when it comes to making and growing money. In different financial books and even the Holy Bible, the importance of saving has already been told over and over again. ( Proverbs 6:6-8 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. ) Despite the constant reminder since time immemorial, why does many people fail to save money? What seems to be the problem? If you are one of the people who wants to find ways to save money and address the problem why they can't continue saving, then you're in the right spot! In this article, we will talk about five easy tips to save money that will blow your mind! And to make things even more interesting, we will also discuss some of ...