If I'll become rich, I'll definitely buy a beach side mansion. I want to become rich and powerful. With all the money I have, I can easily buy anything my heart desires. House and lots, cars, luxury items, anything! The financial freedom with give me a wealthy and comfortable life in my beach side manor. How about you? Do you want to be rich? I can read what's on your mind. You said yes right? Don't deny it. Then you might be asking... How can I become rich? Personally, I'm not yet rich, I'm still on my journey to financial freedom. But I've created a roadmap to guide me on my journey and this blog post is to share my plan to you. A caveat though, it might be helpful, or might not. Who knows? Besides, if you want a solid advice about being rich, then you should ask advice from rich people. But at the end of the day, fulfilling a goal or dreams depends on one's will and grit. If you're still reading this part, I will assume that ...
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